Release Date20 November 2001
ESRB RatingMature
GenreFirst Person Shooter

Gray Matter Interactive


Return To Castle Wolfenstein - Kode Curang, Potongan Tubuh yang Berbicara!, Musuh yang Terpatung (PC)

Conny   |   Rabu, 24 Mar 2010
Kode Curang

Buat & edit shortcut menuju game dengan menambahkan tulisan "set sv_cheats 1" pada ujungnya, lalu tekan tombol ~ selama game untuk memunculkan jendela konsol. Ketikkan salah satu kode curang berikut ini untuk mengaktifkan efek yang kamu inginkan.

Kode Curang



Changes field of view


Exits game

/dir maps

Lists maps


Reconnects to last server


Shows all commands


Shows current server settings

/toggle cg_drawtimer

Shows time left




Takes a screenshot of the current screen

/gc_thirdperson 1

Third-person view

/toggle r_fullscreen

Toggles between windowed and fullscreen modes

/toggle cg_drawcompass

Toggles compass display

/toggle cg_drawfps

Toggles framerate display

/toggle cg_gibs

Toggles gibs

/toggle cg_draw2d

Toggles HUD display

/cg_useless nostalgia <0 or 1>

Toggles old Wolfenstein HUD

/toggle cg_drawteamoverlay

Toggles team overlays

/give luger

Gives luger

/give colt

Gives Colt .45

/give dual colts

Gives you dual Colts. Must have 1 colt to be active. Otherwise just /give colt again.

/give mp40

Gives MP40

/give thompson

Gives Thompson submachinegun

/give sten

Gives Sten

/give mauser rifle

Gives Mauser Rifle

/give sniper scope

Gives Sniper's Scope for Mauser

/give snooper rifle

Gives Snooper Rifle

/give fg42 paratroop rifle

Gives FG42 Paratroop Rifle

/give grenade

Gives 1 potato masher grenade

/give grenades

Gives 3 of above

/give pineapple

Gives 1 pineapple grenade

/give pineapples

Gives 3 of above

/give panzerfaust

Gives panzerfaust

/give venom

Gives Venom gun

/give flamethrower

Gives flamethrower

/give tesla gun

Gives Tesla Gun

/give 9mm

Gives you 32 9mm rounds (MP40, Sten)

/give 9mm rounds

Gives you 16 9mm rounds

/give 9mm box

Gives you (40?) 9mm rounds

/give 7.92mm

Gives you 16 7.92mm rounds (Mauser, FG42)

/give 7.92mm rounds

Gives you 8 7.92mm rounds

/give .45cal

Gives you (15?) .45 cal rounds (Thompson, Colt)

/give .45cal box

Gives you 30 .45 cal rounds

/give .30cal

Gives you 5 .30 cal rounds (Snooper)

/give .30cal box

Gives you 10 .30 cal rounds

/give 12.7mm

Gives you 50 12.7mm rounds (Venom)

/give fuel

Gives you 50 fuel

/give cell

Gives you 50 cells

/give armor X

X is the amount of armor you want. By default it gives you 100

/give health X

X is the amount of health you want. By default 100.

/give binoculars

Gives you binoculars.

/give ammo

Gives ammo


God mode


Enemies will not fire at you


Walk thru walls


All weapons


Get the Current Map Name

/spdevmap mapname

Jump to mapname

/give armor

Get Armor

/give health

Get Health

/give stamina

Get Stamina


Commit suicide

/give venom tech manual

Get Venom Tech manual

/give project book

Get project book

/give dr. zemph's journal

Get Dr. Zemph's journal

/give panzerfaust rocketsĀ 

Get Panzerfaust ammo


Unlimited Sprinting

/spdevmap escape1

Move to Mission 1: Ominous Rumors (Escape!)

/spdevmap escape2

Move to Mission 1: Ominous Rumors (Castle Keep)

/spdevmap tram

Move to Mission 1: Ominous Rumors (Tram Ride)

/spdevmap village1

Move to Mission 2: Dark Secrets (Village)

/spdevmap crypt1

Move to Mission 2: Dark Secrets (Catacombs)

/spdevmap crypt2

Move to Mission 2: Dark Secrets (Crypt)

/spdevmap church

Move to Mission 2: Dark Secrets (The Defiled Church)

/spdevmap boss1

Move to Mission 2: Dark Secrets (The Defiled Church Boss)

/spdevmap forest

Move to Mission 3: Weapons of Vengeance (Forest Compound)

/spdevmap rocket

Move to Mission 3: Weapons of Vengeance (Rocket Base)

/spdevmap baseout

Move to Mission 3: Weapons of Vengeance (Radar Installation)

/spdevmap assault

Move to Mission 3: Weapons of Vengeance (Air Base Assault)

/spdevmap smf

Move to Mission 4: Deadly Design (Kugelstadt)

/spdevmap factory

Move to Mission 4: Deadly Design (The Bombed Factory)

/spdevmap trainyards

Move to Mission 4: Deadly Design (The Trainyards)

/spdevmap swf

Move to Mission 4: Deadly Design (Secret Weapons Facility)

/spdevmap norway

Move to Mission 5: Deathshead's Playground (Ice Station Norway)

/spdevmap x-labs

Move to Mission 5: Deathshead's Playground (X-Labs)

/spdevmap boss2

Move to Mission 5: Deathshead's Playground (Super Soldier)

/spdevmap dam

Move to Mission 6: Return Engagement (Bramburg Dam)

/spdevmap village2

Move to Mission 6: Return Engagement (Paderborn Village)

/spdevmap chateau

Move to Mission 6: Return Engagement (Chateau Schuftaffel)

/spdevmap dark

Move to Mission 6: Return Engagement (Unhallowed Ground)

/spdevmap dig

Move to Mission 7: Operation Resurrection (The Dig)

/spdevmap castle

Move to Mission 7: Operation Resurrection (Return to Castle Wolfenstein)

/spdevmap end

Move to Mission 7: Operation Resurrection (Heinrich)

Potongan Tubuh yang Berbicara!

Pada permulaan village (/spdevmap village1) tunggu Kessler untuk menuruni tangga & lemparkan sebuah granat ke dia. Ini akan membunuh dan menceraiberaikan tubuhnya. Lekaslah berlari menuruni tangga menuju sisa tubuhnya dan kamu akan mendengarnya berkata ''I regret that i cannot acompany you in my condition''!!!

Musuh yang Terpatung

Saat kamu bermain, tekan tombol Esc dan lakukan load atas save file. Sebelum selesai di-load, musuh akan berdiri mematung dan kamu dapat kabur di tengah-tengah mereka. Cobalah melakukan save sebelum melakukan load file.

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