Release Date22 April 2008
ESRB RatingMature
GenreRole-Playing Game
Atlus USA

Atlus USA



Social Link Persona 3 FES

Guide Content :

  1. Part 1
  2. Part 2
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Page 1 : Guide Social Link Persona 3 FES

1. Part 1


cara mendapatkan: otomatis pada tanggal 8 april
rank up: naik level setiap bulan pertama

Kenji (Selasa,kamis,jumat)
cara mendapatkan: terima ajakannya pada 22 april
rank 2 = no > i like them all
rank 3 = what, life? > go for it
rank 4 = sure > good luck
rank 5 = i agree
rank 6 = huh? > i have 30-year goals
rank 7 = ask what's wrong > bride-to-be magazine > that's great. congrats!
rank 8 = are you in trouble? > you should go with her
rank 9 = confrount emiri

Kazuki (senin, selasa, kamis, jumat)
cara mendapatkan: ikuti salah satu klub olahraga pada 23 april
rank 2 = toughen up > the usual > hurry up
rank 3 = are you sure you're ok > will it heal?
rank 4 = terserah > that sucks
rank 5 = the hospital again ? > let him use your shoulder
rank 6 = suck it up > is it that important? > what about your knee?
rank 7 = how's your knee? > you need to toughen up
rank 8 = look away
rank 9 = i'm fine

Bunkichi dan Mitsuko (senin - sabtu)
cara mendapatkan: pada tanggal 25 april bicara dengan mereka di bookstore iwatodai station, kembali kesekolah, periksa persimmon tree untuk mengambil persimmon leaf. berikan pada mereka.
rank 2 = tell him > thanks! > terserah > terserah
rank 3 = looking for something? > i'll help you look > terserah > terserah > terserah
rank 4 = terserah > terserah > Now, you have me worried
rank 5 = I'll root out the truth! > terserah
rank 6 = Please stop quarreling > terserah
rank 7 = Ask why she's crying > That's great > terserah
rank 8 = terserah > terserah > terserah
rank 9 = terserah > terserah

Hidetoshi (senin rabu jumat)
cara mendapatkan: pada 27 may, mitsuru akan mengajakmu ikut osis. bicara dengan ms. toriumi di faculty office, lalu ke ruang osis.
rank 2 = It's a waste of time
rank 3 = terserah
rank 4 = terserah > Good work
rank 5 = They can be pretty cruel
rank 6 = terserah > But I just got here
rank 7 = He should suffer
rank 8 = terserah > It wasn't me
rank 9 = Don't blame yourself

Maya (minggu/hari libur)
cara mendapatkan: pada 29 april, junpei akan memberikanmu game. mainkan game kamu dikomputer.
rank 2 = Of course > The outdoors are overrated
rank 3 = Oh really? > So you don't like your job?
rank 4 = Why don't we get married?
rank 5 = Don't you mean S..O.B. > You're a drunken boxing sensei
rank 6 = Which bastard?
rank 7 = Guys only go for younger chicks > terserah
rank 8 = Hurry up and tell me already > What is he like?
rank 9 = No way! > terserah > What are you planning?

Maiko (senin - sabtu)
cara mendapatkan: pada 6 may, bicara dengan maiko. beli mad bull di vending machine di dorm dan beli takoyaki di octopia di iwatodai station. berikan padterseraha.
rank 2 = Sure, let's go > terserah > terserah
rank 3 = terserah > Don't worry, he'll be there
rank 4 = I'm happy for you
rank 5 = That's terrible > That isn't true
rank 6 = Sounds like a plan > You don't need that stuff
rank 7 = terserah > terserah
rank 8 = Hamburgers > Yeah, you did good > Choose your dad
rank 9 = We're friends forever

cara mendapatkan : otomatis pada bulan juni
naik level secara otomatis

Tanaka (malam hari, sabtu minggu senin selasa)
cara mendapatkan: charm harus smooth dan hermit minimal lv 4. bicara dengan tanaka di paulownia mall. berikan uang yang diminta berturut turut.
rank 2 = Placebo > terserah
rank 3 = Maybe a little
rank 4 = I sure have
rank 5 = Who're you talking about? > terserah > Is it always about money?
rank 6 = Sounds fun
rank 7 = Sort of? > The organic one
rank 8 = Oh really?
rank 9 = Are you going to donate?

Keisuke (selasa rabu kamis)
cara mendapatkan:pada 17 juni, bergabunglah dengan salah satu klub keseninan
rank 2 = terserah > terserah
rank 3 = Great job! > terserah
rank 4 = terserah > Complaining won't help
rank 5 = You should tell your dad
rank 6 = terserah > Do whatever you want
rank 7 = Are you gonna be a doctor?
rank 8 = Yeah, I'm fine > terserah > terserah
rank 9 = Try to stop him > terserah > terserah > terserah > terserah

Mamoru (setiap hari)
cara mendapatkan: courage minimal level 4. bicara dengannya di dekat wild duck burger
rank 2 = Yeah, no problem > Myself really
rank 3 = terserah > terserah
rank 4 = terserah > Sounds like a good plan > Yeah, I bet she would be
rank 5 = Are you okay? > We should come here again
rank 6 = terserah > terserah > terserah > Hey, no problem
rank 7 = I don't mind > terserah > terserah > Don't give up!
rank 8 = You should get some more > terserah
rank 9 = And you won? > Do a victory celebration > terserah > Thank him for his generosity